Mesh belts

Design and production of mesh belts for the food industry

Grape Harversters Belts

Production of belts for grape harevesters
Volentieri-Pellenc, Gregoire, Ero, Imeca, Braud New Holland

Belts for olives

Custom belts specifically designed for olives conveyors

Process and conveyor belts

Design and production of belts for transport and process in various industrial applications


CAD designed belts for special applications. Maintenance and repair service

Mesh (Gauze) Belts

Mesh (Gauze) Belts
Design and production of mesh (gauze) belts for the food industry

Grape Harversters Belts

Grape Harversters Belts
Production of belts for Volentieri-Pellenc, Gregoire, Ero, Imeca and Braud New Holland harvesters

Belts for olives

Belts for olives
Custom belts specifically designed for olives conveyors

Belts for cherries

Belts for cherries
Production of PVC conveyor belts for cherries

Vegetable cutter belts

Vegetable cutter belts
Belts for vegetable cutting machines

Waves belts

Waves belts
Waves belts specifically designed for the transport of heavy weight vegetables

Potatoes selection belts

Potatoes selection belts
Belts designed specifically for the potatoes selection process.

Curved belts

Curved belts
Curved belts on cylindrical or tapered roller bearings or customized for special purposes

Pasting Belts

Pasting Belts
Endless belt for battery plate pasting machines

Process and Conveyor Belts

Process and Conveyor Belts
Design and production of belts for transport and process in various industrial applications

Metallic junction

Metallic junction
Metallic junction for Gregoire grape harvesters belt - can be ordered on-line


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